Tickets & Directions


About the powwow

The First Nations University of Canada Spring Celebration Powwow is a traditional ceremony and a unique opportunity to share our First Nations culture with the citizens of Regina, Canada and the rest of the world. It is also a celebration of the spring season, a time to recognize the end of another winter pass and the idea of looking forward to the rebirth of our Mother Earth.

The First Nations University of Canada Spring Celebration Powwow is one of the longest and largest running cultural celebrations in Western Canada. Our Saskatchewan Indian Federated College (SIFC) students began this celebration in 1978 and to this day, our faculty, alumni members and current students still continue to play a significant leadership role in hosting the inaugural event.

Everyone is welcome! The event is alcohol-free and is targeted at families, community members (both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous) and visitors of all ages. This come-and-go event has exciting and colorful dance performances that run continuously throughout the afternoon and evening, beginning with our Grand Entry at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, with another Grand Entry each day at 7PM, and finally, a closing with a “retiring of the flags” ceremony at 12:00 a.m. each night.


Advance weekend wristbands are available at Cree Land Mini Mart and the First Nations University of Canada’s Finance office at the Regina campus. Tickets are also available at the door:

$10.00 Daily
$15.00 Weekend Pass
*plus $3.00 for Brandt Service Fee
Children 5 and Under are Free

Directions & Parking

The Spring Powwow is located at the Brandt Centre in Evraz Place:

1700 Elphinstone Street
Regina, SK
S4P 2Z6

Parking is free